• GRIEF AND LOSS SESSIONS – individual, facilitated support group sessions, and trainings

• REIKI – UNIVERSAL LIFE FORCE – individual session

• ANGEL RETREATS – group retreats are held in the Spring and Summer

• JOURNEY THROUGH ENERGY CENTERS IN THE BODY – workshops are held 4 times a year

• FENG SHUI AND SPACE CLEARING - individual session on site or via zoom

Grief and Loss

Butterflies flying out of hands that are open wide.Butterflies have many symbolic meanings: transformation and new beginnings, freedom, lightness, and joy. The open hands represent a willingness to be truthful, seeking connection with Spirit and others.

Letting go is difficult. Grief is a process and journey. It can be traumatic and transformative. As you travel the grief path it is helpful to have a support network and guidance.

I am “The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain.” Khalil Gibran

I offer an individualized integrated approach to grief. Connection is important and I use a mind/body/spirit approach reflective of an individual’s culture, family, community, spirituality, and beliefs. There are many types of grief. I will provide a safe, compassionate, respectful, confidential space. My personal experiences draw from the deaths of children, parents, spouse/partner loss, cancer, and pet loss.

NEXT STEPS: Grief and loss sessions may be individual (virtual, in person) or in a facilitated support group tailored to a specific loss. I provide a safe, welcoming place where participants find support. If you have questions or want to join the grief group, please contact me.

“The melody that the loved one played upon the piano of your life will never be played quite that way again, but we must not close the keyboard and allow the instrument to gather dust. We must seek out other artists of the spirit, new friends who gradually will help us to find the road to life again, who will walk the road with us. – Joshua Loth Liebman

Certified Grief Educator Logo

Pet Loss

Growing up my family always had pets: collie, parakeet, cat, hamster, and guinea pig. Thirty-five years ago, I purchased a home with a fenced yard and bought a shih tzu puppy. Since then, I have moved but always have shih tzu companions. I personally feel very connected to the pain of someone experiencing pet loss.

There is a loss in your heart that is flooded with memories. Saying goodbye to a pet is hard because the human-animal bond is so strong. The bond we share with animals is a special love connection. The grief can be profound. Losing a pet is like losing part of yourself.

Grief for pets is unique. I have heard the usual comments, “it’s just a pet get over it.” “Your pet is gone, get another one” or “that’s life. They don’t get it; a pet is part of the family. Give yourself permission to grieve. You are not alone. We don’t have to justify feelings.

NEXT STEPS: Continue to celebrate your pet’s life and learn coping techniques to handle grief after the loss either online or in person.

Rei-Universal Life Ki-Energy

Life Force energy flows through us all. Reiki is an energy healing method of placing hands in a series of positions over the body. It is a form of energy healing that aids the body and mind to quickly return to a natural state of balance, decrease pain levels, speed healing, and relax the mind and body. It is a supportive energy that complements other therapies. Reiki can only do good, will never cause pain nor replete your energy, and is not a religion.

Reiki can also be online and at a distance. A Reiki Master is simply a channel for Universal Life Force Energy. I integrate Angel healing with Reiki. Angels are present wherever healing work happens.

“Let go of what is past, let go of what may come,
let go of what is happening now, do not try to figure anything out, do not try to make anything happen,
relax right now and rest.” – Tibetan teaching

Private Reiki sessions are usually an hour whether in person or at a distance.

NEXT STEPS: Individualized Reiki sessions are usually an hour whether in person or at a distance. They can be combined with any other offering.

International REIKI Organization logo REIKI Healing Association Member logo

ANGEL RETREAT: Connecting with Angels

“I am sending an angel before you, to guard you on the way and bring you to the place I have prepared.” Ex 23:20

Connecting with angels is a magical, joy filled experience. Angels have always existed and appeared in different cultures throughout time. Angels are part of most religions. Angels are mentioned in the Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Judaism, and Islam). The word angel appears 285 times in the King James Version 108 times in the Old Testament and 177 times in the New Testament. Buddhism, Hinduism, and Japanese Shintoism mention spiritual beings who can move through the air.

“Music is well said to be the speech of angels.” -Thomas Carlyle

They can help if we ask them, they are pure, divine, spiritual beings. We are interconnected through energy. They are pure sources of love energy. During the retreat we will welcome the angels into our lives, deepen our appreciation, and reflect on their presence. Identify energies surrounding the angel. Exercises of color, sound, music, poetry, film, books, and movies will be referenced. Plenty of time to meet with your own guardian angel. Prayer is a powerful way to connect. It is an honor to walk with you on this spiritual journey. May your guardian angel and the archangels bring you peace.

NEXT STEPS: Soul Sound offers day Retreats in the Spring and Summer at my home in Mill Creek. Participants will enjoy walking the grounds/forest bathing.

“Our guardian angels are our most faithful friends, because they are with us day and night, always and everywhere.” – St. John Vianney

“May you believe that you always have an angel by your side.”

Journey Through the Energy Centers in the Body


Sometimes the words and concepts are difficult to understand. You may question, “How can learning about the chakras help me relieve stress on my spiritual journey?” Our body is a primary teacher of wisdom. This understanding of energy centers (The Chakras) within the body is a major tool for personal healing. There are seven main chakras, starting from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. These centers store thoughts, feelings, memories, experiences, and actions within the body. There are stressors that block the energy flow through the body. These blockages cause emotional imbalances. When chakras are balanced, they can harmonize our emotions. Setting an intention with sound creates a natural flow of energy through the body. This creative workshop will explore the chakras, as well as the mental-emotional strengths and blocks of each center- front and back side.

Participants will use art mandalas, nature, and sound to open the chakras. Some workshops will take a deeper look at the chakras and their archetypes; the chakra musical note; chakra color; shadow emotions; essential oils; crystals, and food associated with each center.

MEDITATION AND SOUND: Deep breathing, visualization, and music are three of the best ways to lower stress in the body. When you breathe deeply the brain receives a message to calm down and relax.

People have difficulty when they hear the word meditate. What should I do? I cannot keep still. I do not have the time. It is not for me. Someday I will try, but not now. God will not hear me. I will share simple ways to practice meditation by offering tools to help support both beginners and those who already have meditation practice. In this retreat, we will explore and experience several types of meditation and mindfulness practices: intentional walks, heart breath, box breath, and chakra/color toning. Listening to support from a trusted person can enable a person to calm herself/himself for quiet reflection.

“I am not what happened to me, I am who I choose to become.” – C. G. Jung

Meditation and visualization bring deep inner peace, calm, and balance to benefit overall wellbeing and health. They reduce stress, help you to focus on the present, reduce negative emotions, which in turn increase patience and tolerance. Meditation can be as little as 5 minutes a day. Setting a daily intention and making clear on what you really want to manifest guides the flow of energy throughout the day, because where our attention goes, energy flows.

NEXT STEPS: Call or text for ongoing availability of next workshop.

Individual Sessions for Feng Shui and Space Clearing Making Enery Shifts in your Home

There are many programs, methods, books, magazines on Feng Shui and clutter clearing; unfortunately, we often organize the “stuff “and then more accumulates. Soul Sound guides you on a sacred journey to help you re-energize your space. We create a safe and nonjudgmental partnership with you, knowing there are things with sentimental value that have served you well – mementos, clothes, books, papers, awards, photographs, emails, toys, etc.

Like you, I have experienced changes throughout my life, and I am still learning to “let go.” Life stressors may include: a career change, financial obligations, divorce or painful breakup, loss of a job, the death of a loved one or other milestone moments like getting married, moving to a new home ore remodeling, or becoming an empty nester. These challenges are real and often prompt change.

Save what brings you joy! Ask yourself, “Do I love it, if not, why am I holding on to it?” At one time you may have had a need for or connection with certain objects that today may no longer be the same. After you declutter, you may want to add something new to enhance the positive flow of energy in the home. These actions build a bridge to an understanding of the deep relationship between inner and outer harmony.


Even if you set aside a few minutes a day, which is a start, do not add any extra pressure or unrealistic expectations to get it done in a day. I walk with you through every step as soon as I arrive at your front door, by teaching and guiding you with practices that invite gratitude, reflection, and better balance. My approach utilizes visualization, music, sound, ceremony, and celebration.

I use the principles of Feng Shui, the Ancient Chinese practice of arranging the home environment to promote health, happiness, and prosperity. The flow of chi, or vital energy, is particularly important and I also incorporate the 9 bagua map areas: career and life journey, health and family, fame and recognition, love and relationships, wealth and abundance, helpful people and travel, children and creativity, skills and knowledge, center and good fortune. I look at the five elements – earth, metal, water, wood, and fire, as well as a focus on the main doorway where “chi” flows into the home. Feng Shui principles of yin and yang (two opposite characteristics that can exist in harmony) are used to boost personal energy. Then a space clearing ritual harmonizes and balances the flow of energy in your home. Clutter clearing works with the “visible” while space clearing connects with the “invisible.”

NEXT STEPS: Feng Shui is offered on an ongoing basis. Shifting energy in your home by clutter clearing, organizing, Feng Shui, and space clearing has an influence on the energy in life. Feel free to contact me for a discovery chat. I will use the bagua map and you decide what room or rooms you want to clear stagnant energy. I offer a bundle of 4 sessions to explore.